GRATITUDE - Let's not forget to say Thank You!
COURSES & WORKSHOPS – Programs that provide soft skills for a lifetime of confidence and Success
Kids and Teens
College and Career – Interviews and Image preparedness
Art of Succeeding Polish your Social Graces Program
Dining and Entertaining Etiquette
Business Etiquette for Professionals and Entrepreneurs
Polish your social skills from the privacy and comfort of your home with our online training sessions.
Preparing students for life beyond the classroom – we will share our expertise in relaxed and engaging presentations. Topics include dining etiquette, preparing for job interviews, networking and personal image.
For details visit
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012
GRATITUDE - Let's not forget to say THANK YOU!
GRATITUDE - Let's not forget to say Thank You!
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012
Como establecer relaciones exitosas.
En el evento Destino 2012 organizado por AARP en Miami-Dade College, dictamos el Taller
Successful Networking/ Relaciones Exitosas a diversos grupos, en Inglés y Español. Las facilitadoras Yvonne Salas y Ana Cristina Ojeda, brindaron estrategias para lograr establecer relaciones exitosas con las personas que conocemos , tanto en eventos sociales o de trabajo. Estas relaciones sirven de base a la red de contactos que incrementan nuestros negocios y ofrecen posibilidades de ascender en nuestras profesiones. La Revista La Familia de Broward, publicó el siguiente artículo sobre el evento. Las imagenes muestran aspectos de los talleres y a las facilitadoras con Ivonne Fernandez, Directora Asociada de AARP en Miami.
lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012
Los Ninos y los Modales en la Mesa/ Kids table manners
Los expertos en etiqueta están de acuerdo en que para los padres, la preocupación principal en cuanto a buenos modales de sus hijos, tienen que ver con el comportamiento en la mesa. Sobre todo en la actualidad, en que por la vida laboral tan agitada de los padres y los diferentes horarios de los miembros de la familia, cada vez es menos usual que toda la familia se siente junta a cenar diariamente.
lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012
How to Network successfully?
Today's blog is about a question that I get asked very frequently. We all know the value of the connections we have when we are looking for a job or want to advance our career. But the real question is how do I connect with the people I need to know to help me along? Well I would like to share an article by Scott Dinsmore, which has some very simple but useful tactics for making connections with anyone you meet. Among those, will be the people that eventually will be very helpful to you.
Before I leave you to read on, I will remind you that you need to start networking and making connections before you need them! Become a giver and not a taker and those connections will be there when you do need to ask for something.
miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012
World Smile Day celebrated with Happy Painting / Pintura Feliz
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
Clases de Etiqueta para enseñar respeto y consideraci
Clases de Etiqueta para Enseñar Respeto y Consideración.
Los cursos de etiqueta para niños, son una herramienta para enseñar comportamientos basados
en honestidad, respeto y consideración por sus semejantes.
Inscribir a sus hijos en estos cursos es brindarles las destrezas necesarias para su exito emocional y social. No lo piensen dos veces antes de buscar un curso en su localidad. Estos cursos se ofrecen en Miramar, Weston y en Wellington dias de semana y sabados. Tambien se dictan clases particulares en Broward y Palm beach para adultos.
Etiquette Classes to teach Respect & Consideration.
Etiquette classes for children are a tool to teach them behavior based on honesty, respect & consideration.
When you sign up your children for these courses is to provide them with the skills for having emotional & social success. Don't think about it twice before you seach for a course in your town. These courses are offered in Miramar, Weston & Wellington during weekdays and saturdays. We also offer courses for adults in Broward & Palm Beach.
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012
Respect, Consideration, Kindness, Sharing & Giving! Respeto, Consideración....
What are all those words about? They are about the other aspect of the "American Dream" that many people forget to mention. Of course, acquiring material things,for example owning your own home are very real goals of achieveing the American Dream.
But there are many non-tangible reasons why people from all over the world come to the United States. Those are the aspects of the American Dream, that are an integral part of the society in the United States and that have to do with the fact that people will treat each other with respect, that you will see acts of kindness from strangers, that sharing and giving are part of the fiber of the american citizen. The fact is, that in most countries of the world one does not experience these qualities in everyday life.
Perhaps, if we see that we are not encountering those traits as frequently as we hope, if we see that our children are not being kind to each other in school, that they are not treating adults with respect, that they are becoming more selfish, we do not have to stand by and watch without doing anything.
Those traits can and must be taught, and we can do that by enrolling children in manners classes.
Manners not only have to do with where to place the fork and knife, but it has a lot to do with building character traits such as trutworthiness, responsibility, fairness, citizenship, caring and respect.
The next time you want to give a child a gift, why not reach out for the gift that will last them a lifetime, not a new video game or tech gadget, but some manners lessons that will teach them how
to get along with others and practice civility as a way of life.
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
Etiquette Classes for Children in Weston/ Clases de Etiqueta para niños en Weston
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Teach your kids manners with Etiqueta Excellence in Wellington
kids. They want to hear from parents that have had the experience of sending their children to
manners courses. I encourage my readers and parents of our students to send in their comments!
Look forward to that discussion. We thank the editors of Walk About Wellington for their comments.
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Etiquette Courses Saturdays in Wellington
etiquette courses for children every saturday in the Old Wellington Mall.
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012
viernes, 27 de julio de 2012
Ayudemos a eliminar el acoso escolar o "bullying"
sábado, 21 de julio de 2012
Parents have a responsibility with their children
Practicing table manners at home is a must, teaching children the proper skills for introductions and hanshakes and instilling in them the value of knowing how and when to show gratitude, will give them a marked advantage in our society and will make them a generation that not only practices but promotes civility.
But, we understand that many times, children need to ratify what they are being told,at home and school,with a third party. That's where we come in, Etiqueta Excellence Manners will begin offering afterschool programs both in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida with the start of the school year. Contact us and let us provide your children with a fun an interactive learning environment where they will learn not only to: not speak with their mouths full of food, keep their elbows off the table and place their napkin in their laps, but also that the value of good manners lies in making others feel respected and appreciated!
domingo, 15 de julio de 2012
Imagen Profesional para el Exito
viernes, 6 de julio de 2012
Etiqueta de Mesa en el Show de Fernando Hidalgo
<iframe src="" width="608" height="368" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border: 0px none transparent;"></iframe>
An Evening of Etiquette & Ballroom Dancing!
lunes, 2 de julio de 2012
Let's teach our children Patriotic Manners
There are two upcoming events that constitute great opportunities for showing our children how to respect our flag and our national anthem. One is the Celebration of the Fourth of July, our Day of Independence, and the other is the Olympic Games that will be held in London at the end of July.
As we celebrate July 4th, remind them to listen respectfully, without talking, while the anthem is played, if wearing a baseball cap, remove it and face the flag with the right hand over their hearts.
Have your children watch the medal award ceremonies of the Olympics, explain to them the importance that it has when the flag is displayed and the anthem played whenever the U.S. athletes are the winners of a particular sports discipline. Have them appreciate the emotions of the athletes from every country when their flags and anthems are played. We are teaching values that are far from trivial, love and pride of country, respect for our national symbols and that of other nations and cultures as we see their flags also being displayed with pride.
viernes, 22 de junio de 2012
Gift Giving Etiquette for Teen Agers!
sábado, 16 de junio de 2012
viernes, 8 de junio de 2012
Summer Vacation, the perfect time to polish your kids manners. Campamentos de Verano para sus Niños
viernes, 1 de junio de 2012
Etiqueta en el Show de Fernando Hidalgo, America TeVe
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012
5 to 8 p.m., 801 NorthPoint Parkway, West Palm Beach, Fl. 33407
lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012
miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012
Social Etiquette for Business Success at Barry University
Social Etiquette for Business Success
This one-day seminar has been designed to provide participants with valuable information and practical skills that will allow them to acquire a competitive edge to succeed in the professional world.
Who Should Attend?
- Professionals and business owners of all areas who want to polish and improve their social and professional image.
One day intensive course on Saturday,June 9th, 2012