COURSES & WORKSHOPS – Programs that provide soft skills for a lifetime of confidence and Success

Kids and Teens

College and Career – Interviews and Image preparedness

Art of Succeeding Polish your Social Graces Program

Dining and Entertaining Etiquette

Business Etiquette for Professionals and Entrepreneurs


Polish your social skills from the privacy and comfort of your home with our online training sessions.


Preparing students for life beyond the classroom – we will share our expertise in relaxed and engaging presentations. Topics include dining etiquette, preparing for job interviews, networking and personal image.

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sábado, 24 de mayo de 2014

What do we celebrate on Memorial Day?

What do we celebrate on MEMORIAL DAY?


I think it is important to remember that this long week-end is not just to go to the beach or have family and friends B-B-Q’s.  Memoria l Day  was declared a National Holiday by an Act of Congress in 1971, to be held on the last Monday in May. The day was originally called Decoration Day and it was held at the end of the Civil War.

Presently, it is a day for remembering and honoring all military personnel who have served and died in service to their country (the USA), and in particular those that died in battle or as the results of their being wounded during their service.

The difference with Veterans Day, is that on that day we honor everyone that has served in the military, not only those that died during their service or as a consequence of it.

 So this Memorial Day, let’s remember all those that have laid down their lives so we may enjoy the freedoms that we have.

Have a fun and safe Memorial Day week-end!

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Saludar y Dar las Gracias!

Parece ser algo muy sencillo y fácil el tener Buenos modales. Sin embargo, hoy regrese a casa con la necesidad de escribir este blog, porque ha sido un día en que me he encontrado en reiteradas ocasiones y diversas circunstancias con personas que no parecen saber lo que significan las normas básicas de cortesía.
Fui a una consulta médica y al entrar al ascensor, salude a los presentes con un buenas tardes; nadie contesto. ! La respuesta a mi saludo, fue el silencio!  Recibí de una enfermera un documento y al yo decirle “Gracias” no recibí la respuesta esperada de un “de nada”.  ¡El silencio fue su respuesta!
No me rindo, voy por la vida, invitando a las personas con las que interactuó de manera cotidiana, a que sean corteses y amables. Trato de predicar con el ejemplo.  Pero sin lugar a dudas, tenemos que instruir a  los niños  a que tengan buenos modales. Si empezamos temprano, lograremos que su cortesía sea simplemente un habito de vida.