COURSES & WORKSHOPS – Programs that provide soft skills for a lifetime of confidence and Success

Kids and Teens

College and Career – Interviews and Image preparedness

Art of Succeeding Polish your Social Graces Program

Dining and Entertaining Etiquette

Business Etiquette for Professionals and Entrepreneurs


Polish your social skills from the privacy and comfort of your home with our online training sessions.


Preparing students for life beyond the classroom – we will share our expertise in relaxed and engaging presentations. Topics include dining etiquette, preparing for job interviews, networking and personal image.

For details visit

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martes, 21 de diciembre de 2021



Here are some tips for your Holiday Meal

1-    Make sure that you plan in advance, so you are not stressed out when guests begin to arrive.

2-    Tell your guests when you invite them whether the event will be indoors or out and if you are inquiring about vaccination status do so when you make the invitation.

3-    Prepare a table for the Children with coloring pages or crafts so they can keep busy before the meal is served.

     Remember when setting the table that the correct placement of the utensils is FORKS      to the left of the plate and KNIVES & SPOONS to the right.

     Avoid conflicting topics at the table such as politics or religion because the idea is to enjoy the company and have a good time.

5-    Forget about perfection and be always kind and considerate and show your love to those around you. That’s what etiquette is all about!


From my family to yours!



miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2021

Preparando la Cena de Navidad




Cuando pensamos en la Cena de Navidad en familia, normalmente nos concentramos en el menú que vamos a ofrecer. Sin embargo, hay otros aspectos de la cena que debemos tomar en consideración para tener una reunión exitosa. El éxito de una reunión familiar, no se fundamenta solamente en la comida, aunque ese sea un aspecto importante.

Hay otros aspectos que debemos considerar y hoy se los quiero mencionar para que los tomen en cuenta en estas Navidades.

1-    Planificar, planificar, planificar – este es el primer aspecto que quiero destacar, eso implica no dejar las cosas para ultima hora. Empezamos por saber a cuantas personas vamos a invitar y ser muy específicos cuando formulemos las invitaciones, especialmente hoy en dia tomando en consideración las necesidades que nos presenta la pandemia.  Tendremos la reunión dentro de la casa, o en el patio. Cuantas personas vamos a invitar. Que utensilios vamos a utilizar – nuestra vajilla o platos y cubiertos desechables. Una vez que nos respondemos esas preguntas podemos empezar la organización en casa.


2-    Poner la mesa – si tenemos una mesa lo suficientemente grande para acomodar a todos los invitados, incluyendo los niños, debemos ubicarlos, sobre todo los pequeños, cerca de sus padres a fin de que ellos puedan ayudarlos a la hora de comer o ante cualquier necesidad que tengan.

Si no tenemos espacio para todos, podemos elegir tener una mesa solo para los niños. A ellos siempre debemos ponerles en sus puestos hojas para colorear o alguna pequeña manualidad alegórica a la Navidad, con la cual puedan entretenerse mientras esperan que les sirvan.


3-   Los Cubiertos- Les recuerdo que los cubiertos deben ponerse en el orden que dicta la etiqueta de mesa y lo cual debemos practicar a diario, pero sobre todo al montar una mesa para una ocasión especial como es la Cena Navideña. Los tenedores van del lado izquierdo del plato y los cuchillos del lado derecho con el filo mirando hacia el plato. Si necesitamos una cuchara de sopa, aunque no es muy usual en el menú navideño, entonces la ponemos a la derecha del cuchillo. Así que tenedores a la izquierda y cuchillos y cuchara del lado derecho.


4-    Union y FelicidadAhora quiero recordarles que debemos hacer todo lo posible por tener un tiempo de alegría y compartir durante la cena, por lo tanto, no debemos tocar temas de conversación que puedan terminar en conflictos y malos entendidos, como política y religión entre otros temas álgidos que debemos evitar en esos momentos de unión familiar.

5-   PerfecciónFinalmente quiero recordarles a nuestras madres latinas, que debemos olvidarnos de la perfección. Que lo importante es disfrutar estos momentos, que debemos agradecer a Dios por nuestras familias y que, dentro de un año, nadie si va a acordar si todos los platos eran de un mismo juego o si las servilletas estaban puestas en la mesa o se nos habían olvidado en la cocina.

6-    Lo importante es que estemos juntos y celebremos la llegada del niño Dios y les pasemos estas tradiciones a nuestros hijos y nietos.


lunes, 26 de abril de 2021

Gracious Overnight Guest Etiquette

                                             Gracious Overnight Guests

Now that Memorial Day is so close, which announces that Summer is here, I think it is a good time to discuss some tips of guest etiquette.  When you are invited for the weekend to your friend’s or relative’s lake home or beach condo, you need to be so gracious that you will surely receive a repeat invite. Follow these tips and you will certainly be a shining star in the guests department.

Let’s start with the packing; Never over pack! Why? Simply because guest bedrooms are not usually the largest or the ones with huge closets and your arrival with four suitcases for a two night stay sends a really bad signal! Either you are planning on a longer stay that your host intends or you are not a savvy traveler.

When you arrive- Never empty handed but certainly there are some additional facets to this etiquette rule. The hostess gift guidelines indicate that you should never provide your hostess with something that will give more work, trouble or concern than your visit is worth. That being said bring for your weekend, food and drink, that knowing your host/hostess will enjoy and be appropriated to the place and time. If it is a vacation home, that will be vacant after your visit don’t take plants for instance. Some decorating touch with the theme of the lake or beach, such as kitchen towels or disposable bathroom tissues are always welcomed.

Once you are there – Never keep your own schedules, but adapt to your host’s house rules. If you are the kind that wakes up at 5 a.m. and starts fidgeting around the kitchen to make coffee, but nothing moves in that house until 8 a.m., control your impulses. Stay in your bed or sneak out of the house for a morning walk if you must, but make sure you don’t  make unnecessary noise or wake anyone up.

Another really important rule that well mannered guests always follow, is to be helpful! Offer to help with the cooking or the dish washing, or with pulling the boat out of the water. Whatever the situation calls for, but don’t simply stand by waiting to be served and entertained. That does not a polite guest make.

Finally, when it is time to leave – Never leave your room and bathroom in a mess! It is not a hotel room, where you have been staying; it is the home of someone close enough to you and kind enough to have opened their home to share with you for a fun stay.  Pick up after yourself, ask the hosts if they want you to remove the bedsheets and towels and place them in the washer (many families have this habit as it prepares the guest room for their next adventure).

If your hosts are having someone come over to clean up after you all leave, they might say not to bother, but you certainly must offer. In any case leave the area where you have been staying in as pristine a condition as you found it.

If you follow these guest etiquette rules, you are sure to be considered a courteous and polite friend or relative who the hosts will surely be very happy to invite again.

May you have many overnight invitations during the holiday weekends and all year long!

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2021

Valentine's Etiquette during Covid Pandemic

 Etiqueta Excellence Manners


We made it to 2021! It has been almost a year since we celebrated with our love ones without worrying about masks or the size of the group or if anyone tested positive for Covid.  All that is not behind us yet, but we do have a lot to be thankful for and celebrating love is certainly good for our immune system.
During this month then, let's work on using the celebration of Friendship and Love, as a reason for sharing affection, good manners and social graces, to help us all become  the best that we can be. It is a great opportunity to talk about how having good manners influences in creating friendships and keeping good friends and fostering nurturing family ties.
It is also a great month for celebrations and parties all of them keeping the rules that are the new normal. Small groups, social distancing, open spaces, back yards, but even with those in place we can still get invited to Valentine's Day parties in schools, clubs and churches and even at work . What a great chance to learn about hosts and guests duties. How to treat your guests with love and respect.
Last but not least, let's practice some basic table manners! It is also a great opportunity to review keeping elbows off the table and chewing with your mouth closed. Table manners also covers the use of napkins and utensils and
how to handle a buffet line!

It is an excellence opportunity to celebrate by attending a private etiquette class with a few close friends or family and  improve our social skills while letting our  family members and friends how much we appreciate them.

Our society  will be much better off if we as adults show trustworthiness, citizenship, responsibility, fairness, caring and respect. All of which can be fostered by improving our good manners and practicing civility and mostly by showing our appreciation to those important people in our lives.

Have a Happy  Month of Friendship & Love!